Container Recipes in 5 Easy Steps

Brightening the season from winter to spring

If your garden needs a boost at this time of year then try one of our container planting recipes, adding contrasting foliage and floral interest that will take you through the dark days of winter into spring, or why not try all three.

Take your chosen container with a diameter of about 30cm and cover the drainage holes in the bottom with a few pieces of broken terracotta pot to retain the potting compost. Fill the container with potting compost and gently firm the compost as you go.

Place the plants in their plastic pots inside the container until you are happy with the arrangement, ensuring that the top of the plastic pots sit about 3 cm below the rim of the containers. Now place more compost around them, gently firming in.

Carefully lift the plants back out, remove the plastic pots and place back in the container in their final positions.

Place the container in it's final destination resting it carefully on pot feet and water well.

After flowering the plants can be planted in the garden where they will continue to perform for future years.